As a society that aims to disseminate early career researchers’ (ECRs) scientific investigations, defend their interests and support their career development, the young Scandinavian Society for Immunology (ySSI) wishes to stand out of the SSI programme by hosting a “lab talk” session.Whether you are a young principal investigator (PI) that has established your own group or you are a young researcher that belongs to an already established group, you have the opportunity to represent your research team by giving a presentation in 3 to 5 minutes about your research group and lab aims. With this session, ySSI aims to make the Scandinavian ECRs network more visible and potentially enable the establishment of new research collaborations.
SSI2023 | 49th Annual Meeting and Summer School of the Scandinavian Society for Immunology
Abstracts - ySSI lab talks
Deadline for ySSI lab talks
Apply by 26 April 2023
Contact ySSI via email in case you have any questions regarding the session content and
application procedure:
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